IT Recycling - Alfa Support

IT Recycling


It’s a fact of life that IT equipment only lasts so long. You are legally required to dispose of it responsibly, but where do you start?

Recycling we can do it for you. 

  • Collect and dismantle disused IT and communications technology from your offices
  • Securely remove and physically destroy all data, for 100% security confidence
  • Recycle what we can, to avoid adding bulk and toxic chemicals to landfill
  • Do all this for free – and in line with the Environment Agency’s WEEE regulation (which includes the T11, Carrier Broker and Hazardous waste license)

Our hassle-free service allows you to comply with regulations and make an ethical choice when it comes to recycling.  So, if you have disused IT equipment you just don’t know what to do with, why not contact us to arrange a collection.

Comms Recycling DumpAn estimated 50 million tons of e-waste are produced each year* – much of which is considered to be hazardous because of the toxic materials used to create complex electronics.

Rather than dump these in landfill, many of the materials, including the hard to dispose of metals, can be recovered for future use. This not only protects the environment by decreasing the amount of hazardous waste, but reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the manufacturing of new products.

If the question is ‘why recycle?’ our answer would always be ‘why not?’

*Sthiannopkao S, Wong MH. (2012) Handling e-waste in developed and developing countries: Initiatives, practices, and consequences. Sci Total Environment. a trend with a variety of benefits for business owners.


Whether its legislation or conscience that pushes us to be more environmentally aware in the workplace, there can be no doubt that applying greener processes sets a better example for both employees and customers.


An average computer has over a hundred toxins in it. These include highly toxic substances such as lead, cadmium and arsenic, so what happens to the computer/electrical waste when it’s time for disposal?

Let us give you some examples…

  • Cathode ray tubes (used in TVs, computer monitors etc) contain lead, barium and other heavy metals that leach into the ground water and release toxic phosphor
  • Chips and gold plated components have to be chemically stripped. This results in  hydrocarbons, heavy metals and brominated substances being discharged directly into rivers acidifying fish and flora, while tin and lead contaminate surface and groundwater
  • Computer wires, if openly burned, release hydrocarbon ashes into air, water and soil.

Dumping items such as these in landfill increases the risk of toxins seeping into the soil and the water table, resulting ultimately in an environmental hazard for us all.


Of course the immediate effect of disposing of old equipment that is piling up gathering dust is that the office feels fresher, more spacious, and a generally nicer place to work.


When it comes to disposing of e-waste, there is no argument. Government legislation such as the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) insists that we must get rid of electronic waste responsibly. The decision for you is how to do it. So why not let us help?

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